Law Info

De-facto In Separate Houses!

Can you be in a De-facto relationship in separate houses? The law of inheritance often looks at whether the deceased was in a de-facto relationship before they died. To be characterised as a de-facto relationship under intestacy, two people must have had a relationship as a couple living together for at least 2 years before … Continue reading De-facto In Separate Houses!

When Do You Need Probate?

When Do You Need Probate in NSW When do you need Probate? Probate refers to a legal document that issues from the Supreme Court of New South Wales. The purpose of this legal document is to allow the Executor or Executors named in the deceased’s Will to begin collecting the assets and paying the liabilities … Continue reading When Do You Need Probate?

Trusting The Executor!

I Don’t Trust My Father’s Executor! I don’t trust the Executor of my father’s Will. Am I able to make my feelings known and ask for someone else? An Executor named in a person’s Will has many duties to perform on the death of that person. These include arranging the funeral, making payment of debts, collecting … Continue reading Trusting The Executor!

Probate Lawyers Sydney

Probate Lawyers Sydney NSW Probate and Your Loved Ones in NSW If you’re looking after a loved one, good Probate makes things much easier at difficult times! Looking after a loved one can be emotionally consuming. The last thing that you need to worry about at this time is what will happen after your loved … Continue reading Probate Lawyers Sydney

How To Obtain Probate

How To Obtain Probate In NSW When a person dies leaving a valid Will, the estate is distributed according to the terms of the Will. A probate order states that the Will has been proven to be the last valid Will, of the deceased.  It allows the executor to collect and distribute the estate, in … Continue reading How To Obtain Probate

Removal of an Executor

When a Grant of Probate is obtained, the court expects the person appointed as Executor to administer the estate properly. This means that there are certain responsibilities and duties one must fulfil if one is appointed Executor. These duties include collecting the assets of the deceased, organising funeral arrangements, paying the debts owed by the … Continue reading Removal of an Executor

Succession Planning

Succession Planning is the term used for getting your affairs in order. It is about protecting your family and loved ones in the event that something happens to you, by ensuring that they are financially secure. Succession Planning covers a wide range of matters, including your Will and how you wish to distribute your assets, … Continue reading Succession Planning

Importance of Estate Planning

Estate Planning at Sydney Probate Lawyers, is an area of our lawyers expertise! See below the services we offer, including Powers of Attorney, Wills, Guardianships and Asset Protection. Many elderly relatives rely on their families in old age. At Sydney Wills Lawyers we can help advise you on a number of relevant legal matters, including Powers … Continue reading Importance of Estate Planning